Prints to Enlargements

Sizes 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, 11x14 and 16x20
Images are printed on Epson's Professional Premium Luster Photo Paper which gives a Matte textured finish.


Collages - Poster or Formal Styles

Includes Team Name and Colors, Players' name and info. All Collages are custom designed and are built from scratch - we don't use a predetermined template, because we find every Collage is different! the size of the Collage and the number of inserted images play a role in the style of your Collage! Normal inserted image size is a 2x3!

Poster Style Collages are usually in a Vertical format with one large photo and the inserts are stacked in a column.

8x10 - 1 prominent image and 1-3 inserts,
11x14 - 1 prominent image and 1-4 inserts,
16x20 - 1 prominent image and 1-6 inserts.

Formal Style Collages can be easily displayed in an office setting. Images are placed symmetrically around your center image giving the Collage a finished matted look!

8x10 - minimum of 3 images, to a maximum of 13,
11x14 - minimum of 3 images, to a maximum of 17,
16x20 - minimum of 3 images, to a maximum of 21.*

* Best format for Team Collage

Keep in mind, the more inserts the smaller the images become!

Team/League & Individuals Photo Packages

We offer our services in this arena on a limited basis. Mainly we work with local high schools and smaller youth sports organizations, and provide a variety of Photo Packages and Accessories (Buttons, Magnets, etc). Team Colors are applied to the borders!

Another advantage for using Sports Unlimited Photography for your Team & Individuals photos is that you can incorporate an image of yourself playing the game in your own Personal Team Photo Collage!


32 Big Oak Court
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

925 457-4660

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